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How To Help The Baghdad Orphans

CBS News chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan reported exclusively this year on the rescue of 24 starving orphans by the 82nd Airborne Division and Iraqi soldiers in Baghdad.

The boys were discovered emaciated, wounded and tied to beds. Troops brought the boys to safety, and they are were being nursed back to health.

Since, Logan has checked up on them in their new orphanage, and found them more comfortable, but still trapped in a life very different than that an American special needs child would live.

She also reported, sadly, that on July 23, 2007, one of the boys, young Saddam Ali Abbas, died from his many health problems.

Logan's first report on the orphanage.
Watch the report.
CBS News has received hundreds of calls, e-mails and comments asking for ways to help the orphans. Due to the sensitivity of the situation, CBS News is taking requests for more information.

Please CLICK HERE to send an e-mail to the CBS Evening News, and we will put you in contact with a U.S.-based non-profit organization that has promised to ensure that the help will go to the orphans.

To learn more about Logan's story, check out the additional features on

See the images given to CBS News of the orphanage and the rescue - and beginning of their medical recovery.

Check out Logan's Reporter's Notebook on the story.

Watch extended video of Logan's interviews with the soldiers who rescued the orphans.

Read Logan's update on the orphans.

Watch Logan's follow-up report.

Rescued Iraqi Orphan Dies

Honoring Those Who Saved Iraqi Orphans

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