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Medical alert systems can help keep you safe — here's how

Close-up of senior woman using smart watch
Medical alert systems are intended to keep you safe, especially in an emergency situation. cavan images

Medical alert devices come in various forms, from in-home systems to on-the-go systems and wearable devices like smartwatches. There's a device out there for everybody.

Medical alert systems are intended to keep you safe, especially in an emergency situation. It enables you to request help via an alert button and get dispatched to emergency operators 24/7 who can connect you to first responders if necessary.

If you're interested in getting a medical alert system or learning more about them then head to Medical Guardian, a personal emergency response systems provider, to view your options. There are a handful of products to choose from. You can even take a product quiz to get personalized recommendations if you're not sure which device is right for you. Get started now!

How medical alerts can keep you safe

There are multiple reasons to buy medical alert systems — but determining when to buy a medical alert system depends on every individual's needs. It helps to understand all of their benefits. Here are some more ways medical alerts can help keep you safe.

Emergency response

When you have a medical alert device, whether it's a wearable device, button or in-home system, you'll be able to reach a team of dispatchers within seconds with just the click of a button. You simply press the button and speak with an operator who will ask you a series of questions and determine if you need emergency assistance. With GPS locator technology, the operators will also be able to pinpoint your location and get you the help you need.

"Medical alert systems or personal emergency response systems, are devices that signal a monitoring center in critical emergency situations to summon help from professional emergency medical personnel. They can also alert emergency contacts such as family members, neighbors, and caregivers. When a Medical Guardian device is activated, typically by pressing a button, the user will be connected with a 100% U.S.-based, Five-Diamond Certified monitoring center, which will assess the situation to secure help in case of an emergency," Medical Guardian explains on its website.

Don't delay getting a medical alert system that could potentially save a life. Shop medical alert devices and deals now on Medical Guardian.

Fall detection

It's often recommended that seniors, ages 65 and up, invest in these types of systems because of the higher risk of incidents. Every year, three million older people are treated in emergency rooms for injuries related to falls, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports. In total, more than one out of four people fall every year, though they don't all report the incidents to their physicians, the agency noted. 

However, the U.S. Government Accountability Office says that adults with disabilities between 45 to 59 actually report injuries from falls at a higher rate than those over the age of 60. 

"Anyone who is at a risk of falling, no matter their age, should consider using a medical alert system," the National Council on Aging notes online.

Ultimately, if you're concerned about falling, have health issues or limited mobility, live alone or have an active lifestyle, then you should consider buying a medical alert system as a way to ensure you're connected and can get help in an emergency. 

"The good news is that 90% of older adults who get help within one hour will be able to return home and resume their lives," Medical Guardian said.

Medical Guardian can help you find a plan that includes fall detection.

Stay connected 

A medical alert system can help you even if it isn't necessarily an emergency. If you're not comfortable using a smartphone or other smart devices but you want to be able to connect with family and friends at a moment's notice, then a medical alert device may be right for you.

You can use a non-emergency dispatch system to get connected to 24/7 operators or your emergency contacts.

"This is helpful if you're not feeling well, get stuck and need assistance, have flare-ups of a medical condition, endure an allergic reaction to food or medication, or if something is making you uneasy and you need someone to talk to," Medical Guardian explained.

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