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How Companies are Helping Japan Recover (and You Can Too)

The crisis in Japan continues and many Americans are feeling helpless as they see the horrific images unfold on their TVs. But corporations and travel providers are finding creative ways to offer financial assistance to get money to where it's most needed on the ground in Japan.

According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Business Civic Leadership Center's (BCLC) Corporate Aid Tracker, as of early this week, global business assistance for Japan has exceeded $200 million.

That figure ranks in the top three disaster responses mobilized by the business sector. For comparison, Hurricanes Katrina an Rita have garnered $1.08 billion in corporate response, and the 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia saw $566 million to date. The financial response to the crisis in Japan has surpassed that of the earthquake in Haiti, which has garnered $146.8 million thus far.

How corporations are helping:

  • Matching employee donations to a charity of choice, often long-standing partners such as the American Red Cross and AmeriCares.
  • Donating a percentage of proceeds through a limited period.
  • Providing free shipping of relief items.
  • Installing widgets on their corporate Web sites to give international employees immediate access to donations in their native currency.
  • Airlines are offering bonus loyalty points for minimum donations.*
  • Japan Airlines and All Nippon are providing free transport of emergency supplies.
  • AT&T has waived long-distance fees on calls and text messages from the U.S. to Japan.
  • Bank of America is accepting donations at more than 5,800 banking centers in the U.S., and will waive foreign-transaction fees for charitable donations made with a Bank of America credit card. Bank of the West is waiving fees on money transfers from the U.S. to Japan.
My advice: Japan doesn't need food or clothing at this point, as there are expert organizations that are doing a great job supplying this.

What they will need down the line is your expertise: employees and officers who are experts at planning, engineering, logistics, and communications. Begin to organize those who want to volunteer so that when the situation permits in Japan, you'll be able to contact the right people to offer your services.

In the meantime, here are the aid and relief organizations where you can donate toward a good cause:

Donating Air Miles
Through April 30, 2011, donate $50-$99 and receive 250 bonus miles in your program; donate $100 or more for 500 bonus miles. Email your electronic receipt from the American Red Cross to:

American Airlines -
Continental -
United Continental -

Note: Although the bonus mile offer is for a limited time only, frequent fliers on most major carriers can donate air miles to several partner charities, including the American Red Cross, any time of year. Donated miles are not tax-deductible.

Delta Air Lines is also partnered with several NGOs on the ground in Japan toward which you can donate your miles. That includes: Peace Winds; Association for Aid and Relief, Japan; Doctors without Borders, Japan; and World Vision Japan.

All Nippon Airways is inviting Mileage Club members to donate miles in 1,000 increments through April 15, 2011. For every mile donated, ANA Group will donate one yen.

Donating Hotel Loyalty Points
Hilton HHonors has announced that it will match total member donations, dollar for dollar, of up to $250,000 for Japan. It has partnered with the International Federation and Red Crescent Societies. Each 10,000 points donated will equal $25.

Best Western Rewards has partnered with World Vision Japan. The charity will receive $15 for 4,000 rewards points; $30 for 8,000 rewards points; $60 for16,000 rewards points.

Marriott Rewards members can donate points to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Starwood Preferred Guest is partnered with the American Red Cross and will donate all Starpoint donations made through April 30, 2011. Donate from 2,000 Starpoints ($25) up to 16,000 Starpoints ($200).

Other Places to Donate
American Red Cross As of Sunday afternoon, the American Red Cross has raised $85 million just for Japan; $3.6 million of that is in text donations alone. Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10.

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee The JDC has a long history of charity work in Japan. Its immediate responders have provided emergency supplies to evacuation centers and has now partnered with the Israel Defense Forces Field Hospital which will be operating in Minamisanriko.

AmeriCares AmeriCares is made up of professional relief workers who donate medicines, medical supplies and humanitarian aid to people in need.

Direct Relief International
Currently they have identified inventory to go to Japan but they are waiting for approval from the Japanese government and have partnered with the Japanese American Citizens League. One hundred percent of donations received will go to Japan.

International Medical Corps
Provides emergency medical services as well as long-term programs, mobile clinics, and support. Text MED to 80888 to give $10.

MercyCorps Mercycorps is gathering donations for overseas partner Peace Winds Japan. Text MERCY to 25283 to donate $10 on behalf of Mercy Corps.

National Volunteer Fire Council
The council has established an International Relief Fund to assist the Japan Firefighters Association.

Operation USA
This organization works with partner agencies on the ground in Japan. Text REBUILD to 50555 to donate $10.

Relief Interational Relief International is providing support to and through local doctors on the ground now working in the city of Sendai in the most devastated Miyagi Prefecture.

The Salvation Army
Text the words "JAPAN" or "QUAKE" to 80888 to make a $10 donation.

World Vision Text 4JAPAN or 4TSUNAMI to 20222 to donate $10 on behalf of World Vision, Inc.

Do you have other resources to help aid and relief efforts in Japan? I want to hear about it.


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