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Home security systems: What every senior should know

Cropped image of senior man using electronic lock on wall outside house
For seniors, the right home security system could be a critical part of keeping you safe.  Maskot/Getty Images

As you age, you become more vulnerable. The threat of falls, accidents, and health scares increases, and you become an easier target for burglars, too. 

For these reasons, creating a safe and secure home environment is critical for seniors. And while making some accessibility modifications around the house can certainly help, it's not the only strategy for protecting yourself as you get older.

The right technology can help, too. A home security system, for example, can provide an extra layer of protection, reducing the likelihood that unwanted people can enter your property — while home or away. It can also give you a way to connect with local emergency personnel, like the police or fire department, should you need them.

Are you considering installing a home security system? Here's what seniors should know before they do.

Find out more about your top home security options now.

Not all systems are created equal

There are tons of home security system models to choose from, and they're not all created equal. Some are simple units that sound an alarm or contact local police. Others have added features like motion-detection cameras, carbon monoxide detection, energy management, or even remote access. 

Be sure to compare your options before choosing which to go with. For example, if you have mobility issues, you might prefer a system with a video doorbell feature built in. This would allow you to answer your door without getting up. 

Professional monitoring is key

Having your security system monitored by professionals is critical as you age. If you were to be injured and unable to call 911 on your own, for instance, professional monitoring would help you get the assistance you need in a timely manner. It can also ensure quick response times if an intruder enters your property.

"Many home invaders, for example, specifically target seniors, believing they'll be less likely to put up resistance," says Rob Gabriele, managing editor and home security expert at "That can make cameras and 24-7 professional monitoring an especially important investment."

Professional monitoring also helps protect your home while you're away. So if you travel or visit family often, you're still protected — as are any pets or valuables in the home.

Explore how the right home security system could protect you today.

Consider ease

You want your home security system to be simple to use and manage. Look for one that allows you to monitor it via your mobile or tablet app, so you have control no matter where you go. 

Some systems also come with handy remotes that you can use. Not only can you use these to control your security system, but they often have a panic button on them that contacts the local police department when pressed. You can put it on your keychain for easy access.

Be thorough

If you have a lot of entry points into your home, be sure your security system installation is thorough. You'll want sensors on each door and window, as well as your garage if you have one.

You might also think about adding motion-detecting cameras that reach the perimeter of your yard — front and back. This will alert you if someone comes onto your property unwanted.

Finding the best system

Shop around before choosing which security system and features to go with. Check reviews, and go with reputable brands you've heard of and can trust.

Finally, make sure to get your system professionally installed. While it may be possible to DIY some parts of a security system installation, your best bet is to let a professional do the work. They'll help you make your home and property more protected.

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