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Hillary Clinton ad says African Americans have "everything" to lose with Donald Trump

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign on Friday launched a new ad attacking Donald Trump for being out of touch with the black community.

The 30-second ad, called “Everything” answers Trump’s new question to African-American voters, “What the hell do you have to lose?”

“Donald Trump has a history of not only demeaning and talking down to African Americans, but he has been sued for discrimination against communities of color,” the campaign said in a statement.

It begins with a clip from a recent rally in which Trump said, “What do you have to lose? You’re living in poverty, you have no jobs…” It continues with a short clip from a few months ago in which Trump pointed at a rally and said, “Look at my African American over here.”

The narrator then says that Trump management was charged with discriminating against African Americans and breaking federal law.

The campaign said the ad will run on cable in the key battleground states of Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Trump has been trying to show that he’s attempting to court black voters, but polls consistently show an overwhelmingly majority of them support Clinton.

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