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"High Profile": Pro-marijuana lawyer allegedly caught smoking joint at Colorado Rockies game

Robert Corry CBS Denver

(CBS) DENVER - A well-known attorney who is a leader of Colorado's pro-marijuana movement was arrested for allegedly lighting up at a Rockies major league baseball game, CBS Denver reports.

Attorney Rob Corry, who handed out free joints at a Denver park earlier in September to protest a proposed pot tax, was booked on suspicion of public consumption of marijuana and disobedience to a lawful order.

The incident happened Wednesday night, at the Rockies' last home game of the season. CBS Denver reports that police claim Corry was smoking pot between the concourse and gate at the stadium, and that they asked him over the joint he refused, telling the officer, "No, I don't have to, its legal."

The station says Corry left Coors Field and was told not to return to the stadium or its property.

Police say Corry was "acting erratic ... not cooperating ... and continued to curse, swear and debate what was taking place." He told one officer, "You're a stupid cop, you are going to make this easy for me, you can't search me, it's a citation only."

According to the police report, Corry told the officer, "I bet I am a big trophy for you." The officer said he didn't know him, and when Corry told him he was a marijuana attorney the officer said, "You definitely knew that you were breaking the law." Corry stated, "Yeah."

CBS Denver reports there was a woman also cited with Corry for smoking pot. She told police she was sitting next to Corry at the game, that the two started "talking pot" and he offered to share a joint.

She was from Salt Lake City and told police, "I took a puff and passed it. After all, I was in Colorado."

The station says Corry did not return phone calls requesting an interview.

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