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Here's How To (FINALLY) Understand The Financial Crisis

Just two years ago, the global financial system was perched on the edge of disaster. One sudden move and it seemed like we would plunge into a multi-year depression. As time passed, perhaps you have forgotten what got us into that horrible situation.

To honor the anniversary, check out these fantastic broadcasts, which got to the root causes of the crisis in an easy-to-understand way. This past weekend, I listened to all of them again and they are just as good as the first time around.

The Essential Trilogy starts with:

When you are through with those, then pop these onto your i-Pod and take a listen:
  • This American Life 4/29/2010: Inside Job (Nomination for Best Song EVER about the financial crisis)
  • Frontline 10/2009: The Warning (Nomination for Best Actress goes to Brooksley Born)
  • Frontline 11/2009: The Card Game (kudos to Chris Dodd, who almost reminded me that he hasn't always been in the pocket of financial institutions)
Let me know what you think and of course, send in any other broadcasts that are anniversary-worthy!

UPDATE: Here's one more from Twitter follower @achan:

This American Life 6/5/2009: The Watchmen

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