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HealthPop video: Thanksgiving heart attacks, calorie-burning undies

(CBS) Happy Thanksgiving, from your friends at HealthPop.

There's been a lot of talk this week about the salt and calorie dangers lurking in the average Thanksgiving feast, but in today's holiday edition we ask ourselves - can one big meal really kill you?

The answer may shock you.

Another possible concern from Thanksgiving food might be bisphenol A (BPA) exposure. BPA is a chemical used to line metal food and beverage cans - but it's also a hormone-disrupting compound linked to health problems including breast and prostate cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Just how much BPA is in that can of cranberry sauce?

But let's be honest: BPA and salt might not deter some families from gorging on Thanksgiving fare. If only there was a way to burn off those calories - calorie-burning undies to the rescue?

Find out all the answers and more from CBS News' Nick Dietz in our latest HealthPop video.

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