Harry Potter Actress Afshan Azad's Brother Pleads Guilty to Assaulting Her
LONDON (CBS/AP) The brother of actress Afshan Azad, best known for playing Padma Patil in the Harry Potter movies, has pleaded guilty to assaulting her, allegedly after she met a man who was not Muslim.
Prosecutor Richard Vardon told Manchester Crown Court that Azad's elder brother, 28-year-old Ashraf, assaulted her apparently over her association with a Hindu man.
Azad, 22, fled her home after her brother and father threatened to kill her, Vardon said. According to the Daily Mail, Azad was so frightened that she escaped out of her bedroom window.
According to the paper, Azad refused to testify at the trial.
Ashraf Azad pleaded guilty for assault and was granted bail on condition he not contact his sister. Sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 21.
A judge ruled both men were not guilty of threatening to kill the actress.
July 2, 2010 - Afshan Azad Allegedly Threatened and Assaulted by Family, Say Reports