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Gwyneth Paltrow parody, her first times are not like yours

(CBS News) People love to hate on Gwyneth Paltrow. She's beautiful, she's talented, she's married to a rock star, her parents are famous, her Godfather is Steven Spielberg (need I go on?). So, yeah, there's a possibility she's got too much going for her, which makes her extremely unrelatable. And comedian Beth Hoyt captures her essence brilliantly in the video above on her YouTube channel, BethInShow. This video is truly amazing, I promise you won't regret watching it.

Whether you love her, love to hate her, or just hate her, you've got to admit that Hoyt captures Paltrow perfectly, down to her very last syllable pronunciation and hair flip. Now I'll admit, I've been a Gwyneth fan through and through since her Oscar-winning role in one of my all-time favorite movies "Shakespeare in Love," but all you have to do is check out her newsletter Goop -- with its constant references to celeb besties and ridiculous experiences -- to understand that she is definitely on another planet from us normal folk.

This makes her an easy (and hilarious) target, and Hoyt nails it. From continuously insisting that she is a simpleton -- even though Brad Pitt was her first boyfriend, "Uncle Stevie" gave her her first drink of '78 Chateau Margaux that tasted like "the wood on a yacht in Italy" and her first "embarrassing job" was in a movie that Daddy put her in -- she really is "just like us," to quote Us Weekly. But not really at all.

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