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Graphic: The Republican presidential campaign on Twitter

As Republican voters in 10 states participate in primaries or caucuses today, we present this graphic which summarizes the battle for the nomination on Twitter. The top graphic below summarizes all the Twitter comments about the Republican candidates for president in the days leading up to Super Tuesday (from March 1-4). You can view the total number of Tweets, individual Tweets for each candidate and how many were positive or negative. In the word cloud, the size of the word indicates how frequently each word was used in those Tweets.

CBS News is partnering with TNS and Vigiglobe collecting Twitter feeds about all the Republican candidates and classifying them. For a live minute-by-minute look at Tweets about the candidates, check out our real-time pulse of the Republican campaign on Twitter.

Real-time pulse: Tracking the candidates on Twitter

This graphic summarizes all the Twitter comments about the candidates over the past three months. The timeline shows how each candidate's Twitter mentions rose and fell month to month - and how the most-used words changed over time. You can view the total number of Tweets, individual Tweet numbers for each candidate with how many were positive or negative and word clouds showing how frequently words was used in those Tweets.

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