Governor encourages women-owned businesses in anti-abortion states to move to Connecticut
Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has a message for women-owned businesses in states that have passed abortion bans: leave your state and come to ours. On Twitter, the governor posted his open letter to Alabama, Georgia and Missouri business owners encouraging them to move, and explaining why they should.
Lamont says that due to the condemnation of such "extreme" abortion laws, businesses in those states will suffer as more and more people boycott them. "This is clearly an issue that won't be going away any time soon," Lamont writes.
"As a staunch supporter of women's rights, we are appalled at these actions that erode the ability of women to make informed decisions about their health and bodies," his letter continues. "If you are as concerned as we are about the issue, we would encourage you to relocate your operations to a state that supports the rights of women and whose actions and laws are unwavering in support of tolerance and inclusivity. In short, I urge you to come to Connecticut."
Lamont, a first-term Democrat, promotes the advantages of moving to his state, which has a highly-skilled workforce, top-ranked in productivity, he says. He also boasts of its excellent education system and quality of life, and says Connecticut is ranked as the third best state for working mothers and fourth most innovative economy in the country.
In addition to these advantages, Lamont says he recently created the Governor's Council on Women and Girls, which "clearly illustrates the ways in which we prioritize the potential of ALL members of our society," he writes.
While moving all the way from Alabama, Georgia or Missouri to Connecticut may be a big change, the governor assures business owners his state has resources to make the transition a smooth one.
The governor's encouragement comes after several states passed strict new abortion laws, some of which outlaw the procedure almost entirely, in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling which legalized abortion. None of the laws have taken effect yet, and all are expected to be challenged in court.
Lamont warned business owners of the "short- and long-term impacts this egregious, anti-women measure will have on your business and employees." There's also the possibility of economic fallout from opponents protesting the measures; for example, some filmmakers have vowed to boycott Georgia, threatening the film industry and production jobs there.
Those interested in taking Lamont up on his offer can contact the state's Department of Economic and Community Development, the governor's letter states.
The letter was co-signed by Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz, who also posted the plea on Twitter.