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Gore And Bradley Collide

Vice President Al Gore admitted he helped push the limits in fund-raising for the 1996 campaign, and challenged rival Bill Bradley to an advertising ban he said would instantly reform the race for the 2000 Democratic presidential nomination. "Ridiculous," Bradley replied.

"I think that obviously we would do things differently if we had it to do over again," Gore said Sunday of fund-raising tactics and negative advertising used during President Clinton's re-election campaign. "Oh, you know I think that pushing the limits -- all this was reviewed and no charges were brought -- but I think it was a mistake nonetheless."

In a televised debate, Gore challenged Bradley to stop broadcasting campaign ads and debate twice a week instead.

"This is a ridiculous proposal," the former New Jersey senator replied. "You know, the way you communicate with people is when you talk to them. I love to talk to them in town meetings, that's my favorite place ... But I also love to talk to them over television in their living rooms."

The Democratic rivals' second network TV debate of the holiday season was a testy hour on NBC's Meet the Press. Each man told the other not to interrupt, but to no avail amid instant denials and rebuttals.

They argued about health care and education, while avoiding firm proposals to guarantee the long-term financing of Social Security.

Bradley flatly ruled out a future increase in the entitlement age for benefits, something he had said earlier he might consider. Gore said he would not consider doing it ever. Gore said he had never discussed that option when the administration was considering Social Security financing.

"No one ever did?" Bradley said scornfully. "Give me a break."

Gore didn't spare the scorn, either. He sighed loudly and laughed sardonically as Bradley described his proposal to replace Medicaid with a subsidized health insurance program to help many of the nation's 44 million uninsured buy coverage. Gore called the plan flawed and too costly.

"Wrong, that's not correct. ... False," Bradley snapped when Gore said his health insurance proposal would undermine coverage of the needy. Bradley said his plan would cover everybody while Gore's would help only 7 million of the uninsured -- a figure the vice president disputed.

Sitting side by side, in blue suits and red patterned neckties, Gore issued his ad-ban challenge when one of Bradley's key issues came up: campaign finance overhaul.

Bradley sought to dramatize his stand against big-money politics by joining with Republican presidential aspirant John McCain in a pledge to forgo the use of "soft money," unregulated campaign funds funneled through the political parties.

Campaign reform is playing well in New Hampshire, which holds the first presidential primary on Feb. 1. Bradley is running even or better with Gore in the publi opinion polls there. Nationally, Gore is far ahead, 53 percent to 28 percent, in a CBS News poll of Democrats.

Gore said neither he nor Bradley would reject the use of soft money for the 2000 Democratic ticket unless the Republican nominee did so, too. So, he said, they have exactly the same position.

Then he issued his challenge, saying: "We don't have to wait for the Republican nominee to be picked, Bill. I'll make you this offer right now: If you will agree, I will stop running all television and radio commercials until this nomination is decided."

"It sounds to me like you're having trouble raising money," Bradley said to Gore, who has had to trim campaign spending in the past couple of months to ensure he doesn't run out of funds.

"No, as a matter of fact, I'm not," Gore responded.

An ad-free Democratic campaign would be advantageous to the winner in a nomination contest that could be settled before spring. Both candidates are subject to spending limits, about $40 million, for campaigning prior to the Democratic nominating convention in August.

An expensive primary campaign will cost money that will be needed in the spring and early summer, especially should Texas Gov. George W. Bush hold his lead for the Republican presidential nomination. Bush is not accepting the federal campaign funds both Democrats are receiving, and therefore is not subject to the spending ceiling.

Bradley did ask Gore for a commitment not to use negative attack ads. "Absolutely," Gore replied.

By Alice Ann Love
©1999 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

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