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Golf Expert: Tiger Irked Augusta

Seeing itself as the "custodian of the game," Augusta National Golf Club felt Tiger Woods put golf in a difficult position with his marital infidelities, a golf magazine editor told CBS News Thursday.

Ron Sirak, the executive editor of "Golf World" magazine, told CBS News correspondent Randall Pinkston that Augusta felt compelled to go on the record that they were unhappy with Woods' behavior when he returned to golf at the 2010 Masters

On Wednesday, Augusta Billy Payne said that Woods won't be judged in the future solely on his performance as a golfer, but by the sincerity of his efforts to change as a person.

"Our hero did not live up to his status as a role model," Payne said during his annual state of the Masters news conference. "I hope that he realizes every kid he walks by would love to have his swing but will settle for his smile."

Sirak added that Woods' mental focus is what really will be tested at the tournament.

"We don't know what sort of emotional toll this has taken on Tiger," Sirak said.

Sirak said the odds are stacked against Woods to win this year's Masters but acknowledged the golfer can never be counted out.

"It would seem counterintuitive that he could do well," he said, "but the number of times I've seen Tiger Woods do the impossible in the last 16 yrs I've been covering him is countless."

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