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God Only Knows

Weekly commentary by CBS Evening News chief Washington correspondent and Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer.

Back in 2004, when Pat Robertson said that God had told him George Bush was going to win the election in a blow-out, I decided to check it out.

Now, I've never claimed that I have inside information on God's thinking, but I did reach a source who considers himself very close to the Lord. He agreed to talk on the condition of anonymity, since he is not authorized to speak for God.

Well, the way he told it, Robertson must have had a bad connection or just didn't hear it right. Of course, God knows how these things are going to come out, my source said. He knows everything. But he never tells how elections or football games are going to come out. If he did, he'd be inundated with people trying to find out the winning lottery numbers and things like that. It's just more trouble than it's worth.

So when Robertson announced he was supporting Rudy Giuliani, who is for so many of the things that Robertson has spent his life railing against - gay rights and abortion rights to name just two - I decided to go back to my high-level source with the obvious question: Why?

There was a long pause. Finally, my source said "God only knows."

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By Bob Schieffer
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