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"Glee" suicide episode spikes The Trevor Project traffic

Karofsky (Max Adler), right, is teased in the "On My Way" winter finale episode of "Glee." Mike Yarish/FOX

(CBS News) The winter finale of "Glee," which featured a controversial story line about an attempted suicide after bullying over sexual orientation, spiked traffic for the Trevor Project, a national organization that helps LGBT suicide prevention, reports say.

The episode aired a PSA for the organization at its conclusion. According to Entertainment Weekly, the Trevor Project's website and phone number received  record  traffic.

"What was great about the show is that they worked in conjuction with us so we knew in advance that there was going to, in all likelihood, be an increase in volume," says Trevor Project cofounder Peggy Rajski to EW. "What happened was the volume went up about 300 percent, but we were ready."

The episode saw former bully Karofsky, played by Max Adler, become a target of bullying, due to his sexual orientation.

"There's excitement of being able to send a message like this into the world when people really need it and need to be spoken to honestly. It comes with the fear of representing it honestly and accurately," said the 26-year-old Alder to the Hollywood Reporter.

Rajski says the Trevor Project's toll-free number fielded triple the number of calls normally received.

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