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Frontline flea medication apparent target of animal clinic thieves

Shelves in an animal hospital in Fairfield, Calif., stocked with Frontline - an anti-flea medication that's been a recent target in a string of break-ins. CBS Sacramento

(CBS) FAIRFIELD, Calif. - Nearly a dozen medical and veterinary clinics have been targeted by burglars in Fairfield, in northern California, in recent months - and one of the hot commodities appears to be Frontline flea medication, CBS Sacramento reports.

Area veteranarians believe there's a black market.

"They took a trash can that we have and they just dumped all of the Frontline into the trash can," said Dr. Julie Cole, with the Fairfield Animal Hostpial.

The thieves stole about $2,000 worth in the latest incident. It retails for around $40 to $50 a box.

"So they can come in here and by taking this, they can sell it without a prescription on eBay or wherever they want to sell it and it's cash for them, it's Christmas money,"  Cole told CBS Sacramento.

The thieves have also hit Barney and Russum Animal Clinic and got away with a computer.

Since July, Fairfield police say thieves have hit 10 medical and veterinary clinics. They're looking into whether the cases are connected.

CBS Sacramento reports no pets were stolen or hurt during the break-ins. Dr. Cole says she's now locking up most of the Frontline and keeping it out of sight.

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