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Friday The 13th To The Extreme

If you're superstitious, beware: This is no ordinary Friday the 13th.

The day already has been marked by a lunar eclipse (although few noticed it). Plus, there's full moon tonight.

That makes for a "triple whammy," says Donald Dossey of Asheville, North Carolina. He runs something called The Phobia Center and predicts some people won't even get out of bed Friday.

But Matt Nisbet says that's nonsense. He belongs to a group of professional skeptics, dedicated to debunking claims of the paranormal. They plan to spend the day walking under ladders, smashing mirrors, and tearing up chain letters. Nisbet says his group's message is that there is nothing to fear.

Then how does he explain the Friday the 13th that his phone went dead, after he agreed to go on the radio to talk about superstitions? "Some say that's bad luck," says Nisbet. "I say, it's me having a faulty phone."

Next: All About Superstition

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