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Forbes Goes For GOP Gold

Steve Forbes has thrown his hat into the presidential arena by announcing on the Internet that he is seeking the GOP nomination for president

At his Forbes 2000 Web site Forbes called his announcement, "the beginning of a national crusade to restore Ronald Reagan's vision of hope and prosperity for all Americans."

He outlined his agenda to abolish the tax code, protect Social Security and curb abortions.

Most of the 2000 campaigns have Internet sites. Forbes' advisers say he is the first to use the Internet for the main announcement of his candidacy.

In an interview with CBS This Morning Co-Anchor Mark McEwen, Forbes said:

"As we speak, each year tens of millions of more people do come on line, and I think it's a wonderful combination of cutting-edge technology but also a tool of bringing individuals back into the American political process, trying to end the discord and the disconnect between Washington and the American people. We're going to have online chats we're going to involve people as individuals. It's going to be a wonderful way to get our message across."

Forbes, a millionaire publisher who has never held elective office, ran unsuccessfully for the GOP nomination in 1996. He is financing his own campaign - and wants to see campaign finance reform take place. He said on This Morning,"They should change the campaign finance rules to make it easier for candidates to raise funds. I have advocated that for years."

If the polls don't look favorable, Forbes doesn't let that bother him.

"I've lived through polls, good polls, bad polls. People don't start to make up their minds until next January and they can change it right up to the day of the election," says Forbes.

Forbes' site will include:

  • Campaign "reporters" who will submit information directly to the site.
  • A digital camera to file photos directly from the road.
  • A volunteer section to organize and motivate grass-roots supporters.

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