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Five-Oh!: Rita And Shirley

The March issue of the AARP magazine profiles seven of Hollywood's most glamorous Oscar-winning actresses, and two of them, Rita Moreno and Shirley Jones, tell co-anchor Hannah Storm about what it is like to be over 50.

It is all in the mind, Moreno says and Jones agrees. They add: the secret to staying young is to keep making use of your body and mind.

"A big part of AARP's mission is to redefine the way people think about age," says the magazine's deputy editor, Nancy Graham. "And this is what we wanted to do with this cover. I think we've accomplished it." To read more, click here.

Hard to believe, but America's favorite "gigolo" is in his 50s as well (55 years old, to be precise) and on the cover of the January-February edition of AARP Magazine.

Richard Gere kicked off The Early Show's monthly series with the AARP.

Co-anchor Harry Smith spoke with Gere on the day he received the AARP's prestigious IMPACT award, honoring his work with the international organization he created: Healing the Divide.

"I'm no different with you and this crew than I am with India and the AIDS patients," he told Smith. "It is all the same to me. We are here to make connections and here to help each other." To read the full report, click here.

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