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Five Not-Bad-For-Grownups Kids' Cereals

Breakfast is an important meal -- perhaps, say nutritionists, the most important of the day.

On The Early Show Tuesday, contributor and registered dietician Keri Glassman explained that breakfast gets your metabolism going and gives you the necessary fuel to start your day.

Research shows that 78 percent of people who've been successful at losing weight eat breakfast daily. That's because, if you skip breakfast, you may overeat later in the day, Glassman says.

The January/February issue of Women'sHealth magazine reports on research that shows that 58 percent of kids' cereals are eaten by adults.

The downside, says Glassman, a contributing editor at the magazine, is that some of the favorite choices of adults pack as much sugar in one serving as one Dunkin' Donuts glazed donut! Now, that's not the way to start your day!

Don't let your breakfast be a sugar bomb.

Women's Health has five of the best options for your morning bowl of cereal -- choices that, Glassman says, enable you to indulge and still have a decent breakfast, guilt-free!


Their tagline is "Kid-tested, Mother-approved." And for good reason. These crispy corn puffs are a great choice for breakfast. A serving is 1-1/4 cups and has three grams of fiber, the same amount of sugar, 110 calories and one gram of fat. Kix is also a great source of iron. One serving delivers 45 percent of the Daily Value of iron based on a 2,000 calorie diet. They're also fun to eat! There's something about scooping the little balls out of the milk that makes it an entertaining way to start your day off feeling like a kid!

Adults will remember that "Mikie likes it" Life! Another great choice that kids and adults love is Quaker Life cereal. These sweet, crunchy squares have whole grain Quaker Oats baked inside them. A serving is 3/4 cup and has two grams of fiber, six grams of sugar, 120 calories, and 1.5 grams of fat. It's got just the right touch of sweetness. It's also a great source of B-Vitamins, which we know are important for energy.

Honey Nut Cheerios
This sweetened version of the old standby Cheerios is delicious and good for you. It delivers all the health benefits of the regular version with a hint of sweetness. A 3/4 cup serving has two grams of fiber, nine grams of sugar, 110 calories, and 1.5 grams of fat. Honey Nut Cheerios is a great alternative for people who crave a sweet treat in the morning without all the sugar of other cereals. It's also a great source of calcium. It contains at least 10 percent of the Daily Value of calcium based on a 2,000 calorie diet. And that's before you add the milk. Add 1/2 cup of skim milk and you have 25 percent of your daily calcium needs.

Frosted Mini-Wheats Bite Size
Most people love this cereal because of the frosted side. It's a tasty spin on a healthy treat-a whole grain wheat biscuit with light frosting. A serving of 24 biscuits has a whopping six grams of fiber, 12 grams of sugar, 200 calories, and one gram of fat. You may think 12 grams of sugar sounds a bit high, but compared to other kids' cereals with 15 to 20 grams of sugar, Frosted Mini Wheats' sugar content isn't bad, considering the fiber content. Frosted Mini-Wheats is very high in fiber content. The Recommended Daily Allowance of fiber is 25 grams, so this is a great start to getting you to that number. This cereal is also a great source of iron. One serving contains 90 percent of the Daily Value of iron based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Health Valley Organic Extreme Fruit Rings
If you're diving into your kids' Fruit Loops, you'll love this healthier version, which has 30 percent less sugar than Fruit Loops. A 3/4 cup serving has two grams of fiber, seven grams of sugar, 120 calories and one gram of fat. This organic cereal is made with whole grains and is a good source of Vitamin C, B vitamins and iron.

Another way to keep your calorie and fat intake down and up your protein and calcium consumption while eating your morning cereal is to choose the right type of milk. Skim or one percent milk instead of whole milk is the way to go, of course! If you're lactose intolerant, you should go for Lactaid. Another great dairy alternative is unflavored Soy milk.

Another important point to keep in mind when preparing your cereal is portion size. The cereals have serving sizes for a reason. Stick with the suggested serving size and 1/2 or 3/4 of a cup of milk, and you should be set.

A great way to jazz up your bowl of healthy cereal and sneak in some additional fiber and antioxidants is by adding fruit. Slice up a banana or some berries and throw them onto your cereal. You can also sprinkle on flaxseeds or wheat germ if you want to venture onto the very healthy side!

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