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Fish is Spelled 'Ghoti' and Creativity is 'Easy'

A couple of years ago on a flight, Tony Buzan and I were duelling with puzzles. He stumped me when he asked what a "ghoti" was.

Apparently, George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) was fond of pointing out the absurdities of English spelling by proving that "fish" could be spelled "ghoti".

That is, gh as in rough, o as in women and ti as in palatial --- easy, when you look at it that way.

Creativity is not normally seen as easy --- as most people think it is hard to be creative or you have to be born that way. One approach in developing your creativity is to put some Energy into it; have the right Attitude that creativity is a skill we can all learn by Shifting our perceptions; and that You can do something small every day to increase your creativity.

How easy is that?

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