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Carly Fiorina tells "The View" hosts she has a thick skin

Carly Fiorina told the hosts of ABC's "The View" Friday morning that she has a "thick skin" after they made fun of her face and appearance during an episode last week.

The hosts asked the GOP presidential candidate Friday whether she would develop a thicker skin after she seemed to take issue with their comments last week.

"You know what? You can say whatever you want. And don't worry, I have skin plenty thick enough to take whatever people throw at me," Fiorina said from New Hampshire.

"I've been called all kinds of things, Whoopie," she said at the beginning of her interview. "In any event, I've been called a bimbo from the time I was a secretary to the time I was a CEO."

The exchange happened because hosts on "The View" mocked Fiorina after she joked about people telling her to smile more at last Wednesday's debate.

"She looked demented!" Michelle Collins said last week, imitating Fiorina's smile.

"I wish it was a Halloween mask," Joy Behar added. "I'd love that."

Collins said Friday that calling Fiorina demented was a "poor choice of words," but the hosts stopped short of issuing an apology. Behar said she defended Fiorina from Donald Trump's comment when he made fun of her face. She said she has also made fun of Hillary Clinton's pantsuits.

Collins then asked if Fiorina was coached to smile at the debate.

"I don't have people coaching me. I love to smile and laugh," Fiorina said. "But there's a time to smile and there's a time to be serious."

Fiorina shot back at the hosts when they questioned how her positions on abortion, maternity leave and a minimum wage increase help women.

"You just went through the litany of the left," Fiorina said.

Toward the end of the interview, Fiorina said, "Conservative women are held to a different standard than liberal all of you, by the liberal media."

The interview ended on a lighter note when Fiorina said she's a "big fan" of Whoopie Goldberg's movies.

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