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Fiery Murder-Suicide In Illinois

Police say a woman bought a can of gasoline, shut herself in her bedroom with her two young children and set a blaze that killed all three.

"It is tragic and it is senseless. I can't explain why. I can't give you the reason," police Chief David Dial said.

Investigators believe 32-year-old Nimisha Tiwari — who police said was in a "troubled marriage" — set herself on fire and rescuers found all three ablaze on a bed in the master bedroom, Dial said. Also killed were Tiwari's 4-year-old son, Vakadham, and 18-month-old daughter, Anaya.

Police have video of the woman with the children in the family van buying a can of gasoline a few hours before the Saturday afternoon fire. She then took them to a store and bought toys, including a doll and a train. The gas can and toys were found in the burning bedroom, Dial said.

Rescuers were called to their home after a passer-by spotted smoke coming from the second story. Firefighters had to force their way in because the front door was bolted shut, Dial said.

The woman's husband was not home at the time of the fire and authorities have corroborated information that he was taking business classes in Chicago.

Dial said the husband is "distraught" over the loss of his family. The couple married in 1999 in India and came to the United States shortly afterward. In May, both the husband and wife had contacted Naperville police about a "difference of opinion" in their marriage.

Dial declined to comment on a "medical issue" that he said the husband indicated had caused problems in the past.

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