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Fed Decision: What I Wish Bernanke Said

The Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee has met and here's the upshot: NO CHANGE, exactly as Mark Thoma predicted yesterday.

Here's what you need to know about current Fed policy:

  • Federal funds rate (short term interest rates) = 0 - 0.25 percent (rates have been at this level since 12/16/08)
  • Fed will keep "exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate for an extended period"
  • "QE2″or the central bank's $600 billion dollar bond-buying plan that was launched last November, will terminate as of June 30th, as planned. The Fed will continue reinvesting about $10-15 million worth of bonds on a monthly basis
Here's the Fed's view on the economy:
  • The economy is growing, but only at a moderate pace
  • 2011 growth estimate: 2.7 - 2.9% (revised down from the April estimate of 3.1 - 3.3%
  • The job market is weaker than anticipated
  • 2011 unemployment estimate: 8.6 - 8.9% by end of the year
  • Inflation has ticked up, but over the long-term, it should not be a problem
  • Higher food and gas prices are seen as temporary
  • Supply chain disruption from the Japanese earthquake and tsunami have negatively affected the economy
  • Although the recovery is slow, the pace of recovery should pick up in second half
  • Housing still stinks

Here's what Bernanke said at the subsequent press conference:
[For more detail on the Fed presser, check out Thoma's analysis here]
  • QE3 unlikely because no deflation (declining prices) and wages are rising (note: these increases can be seen everywhere except in your paycheck)
  • Growth is likely to pick up next year
  • If the Fed is wrong and everything goes to pot, they'll fire up the helicopter and drop money into the financial system
Here's what I WISH the Fed had said:
  • The Fed can't really do much about the current economic slowdown--you want action, tell the morons in Washington to spend a few bucks!
  • The problem in the economy is that there's no demand...that's the deal when dual credit and housing bubbles explode--people want to pay off their debt, not buy more stuff-DUH!
  • Traders, sit tight--I'm not bailing you out just yet...if things get ugly, you know I got your backs...hello QE3!
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