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Families of triplets, quads convene

Triplets Connection Convention
The 5-year-old Bockey triplets, from left to right, Zane, Luke, and Andrew, from Lima, Ohio, dress like the 'three little pigs' during the Triplets Connection Convention parade and picnic at Valley Forge National Historical Park, on Saturday, July 30, 2011, in Valley Forge, Pa. AP Photo/ Joseph Kaczmarek

Three dirty diapers, five runny noses, six crying kids.

Families with multiple births face a unique set of challenges every day that many parents cannot imagine taking on.

Parenting triplets, quadruplets and higher multiples was the subject of a recent convention in suburban Philadelphia.

The event, called "Let Threedom Ring," was held in King of Prussia, Pa., by Triplet Connection, an information website for multiple birth families.

Pictures: Triplets: Growing up in a set

At the event, the triplets, quadruplets and higher-order multiples ranged from babies and younger children to teenagers and college-age young adults.

Workshops were held to help adults with parenting issues, while the kids took part in entertainment and social activities.

We at "Eye on Parenting" wonder if spa treatments for tired parents were included in those parenting workshops!

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