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Evidence Of A Massacre

Serb leaders are calling a four-day police sweep on ethnic Albanians an Â"internal issue,Â" and a necessary crackdown on militant Albanian rebels. But on a tour of the region, CBS News Correspondent Mark Phillips found evidence of a massacre—families in hiding, and women and children among the dead.

The Serb crackdown on ethnic Albanians in Kosovo may have damaged the militant movement, but it has also inflamed the hearts of ethnic Albanians. A 90 percent majority in this region, ethnic Albanians say theyÂ've been persecuted and murdered, and the world has ignored their calls for help

In the village of Prekaz, thereÂ's not much left after Serb police sweeps. Many died in the attacks. The survivors, frightened and emboldened by the atrocity of seeing their families and friends killed, have fled for the countryside.

One family was found an hourÂ's drive outside of the Kosovo capital of Pristina. Not only is little of their family homestead left, little is left of their family. The survivors say SerbÂ's fired indiscriminately. One woman watched as her husband was shot walking out of the house with his hands in the air.

A short distance up the road from where this family has sought refuge is the evidence to support their claims. Forty-seven victims of the massacre are found lying in a shed. Among the dead, 15 women and four children. Some children, barely five years old.

CBS News Correspondent Mark Phillips ©1998, CBS Worldwide Inc., All Rights Reserved

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