Even more insanity with "The Harlem Shake" (with firefighters and family)
(CBS News) The other day we pointed out a new trend catching fast on the Internet that we here at The Feed can totally get behind called "The Harlem Shake". Today we have even more fun insanity for you starting with some firefighters getting in on the action above. Check it out.
I swear, this trend is on fire! Err, maybe that's not the best phrase to use, actually. The firefighter fun was posted by YouTube user cocksmith378 and includes guest appearances by Spiderman and a giant chicken. Because they totally go hand-in-hand with firefighters, of course...
And did you know that "The Harlem Shake" can actually bring families together? What, you don't believe me? Then go ahead and watch this video below from YouTube user Matt McClard that takes father-son bonding time to a whole new level. I just hope that Mom doesn't find out!