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Enrique Iglesias moves into Zynga's CityVille

Enrique Iglesias moves into Zynga's CityVille
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(CBS) - You're probably wondering what Latin pop star (and hottie) Enrique Iglesias is doing on CityVille... We wish we had an answer for you. We searched high and low, and we can't figure it out either. Still, it's true. He makes his debut on the Zynga game today.

Iglesias fans, rejoice! You'll see Iglesias' avatar on CityVille, Zynga's most popular title with roughly 71 million monthly visitors. Players will be able to interact with "him" and can collect items inspired by the singer. You may even get a chance to watch his music videos on the game. (Random, we know.)

This is not the first time we've seen a pop star go gaming. In May 2011, Lady Gaga launched the "Born This Way" Revenge music-tapping game on iPhone and iPod Touch. The pop icon also partnered with Zynga's FarmVille to provide exclusive song previews and bonus tracks in her Gaga-branded farm.

According to Social Times, Iglesias' team approached Zynga to work on the integration. "The team has been involved with the design from the beginning, deciding things like what the characters could do and what players can collect, including virtual hats, boots, bling and a speed boat - relating to Iglesias' life in Miami when he owned his very own speed boat," reports Social Times.

Does Iglesias actually play the game for real though? The answer is no! He played it just one time. Zing! The pop star said he doesn't play video games anymore although he used to be addicted to them as a kid.

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