Encarta Africana 2000
When it comes to reference works chronicling Black history and culture, the CD ROM that belongs in every family and school collection is Microsoft's Encarta Africana. (sound) A brand new edition is out…Africana 2000 . Like the first, it is co-edited by Professors Kwame Anthony Appiah and Henry Louis Gates of Harvard's Department of Afro-American Studies. Professor Appiah says there's a lot that's new….
"I think the most exciting new change is that there is a whole new library that comes with the encyclopedia. It's called the Library of Black America, which is a collection of work written by African Americans between 1773 and the end of the first world war."Another new feature…a music timeline… (sound) Take it from Professor Appiah, an accomplished author….the richness of this media…makes it even better on a screen than in print…
"There's so much about the cultural life of African and African American people that is impossible to understand unless you can see it or hear it."The price of Encarta Africana 2000…after a rebate…is under forty dollars.