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Emma Stone "flattered" by Jim Carrey YouTube love letter

Emma Stone attends premiere of "The Amazing Spider-Man" on June 18, 2012, in London. Getty

(CBS News) Last summer, 49-year-old actor Jim Carrey took to YouTube to profess his love for Emma Stone, and apparently the 23-year-old actress wasn't all that creeped out by his desire to provide her with "chubby, freckly babies."

Pictures: "The Amazing Spider-Man" global premieres
Pictures: Jim Carrey

"I was so flattered I can't even tell you. Honest!" she told New York magazine. "I was really flattered, I really was!"

Stone said she and her "The Rocker" co-star Jason Sudeikis were talking about how great Carrey was while they were at the MTV Movie Awards last year, right before the video came out.

"There was like five of us, and we just went on this tangent of talking nice behind Jim Carrey's back," Stone told the magazine. "Jason was talking about how great [Carrey] was when he went to 'Saturday Night Live' and how he was just like a comedic genius."

Stone said when the video came out they all talked with each other and thought, "Weird, that was the guy we were lauding for, like, 30 minutes."

Stone's latest film, "The Amazing Spider-Man," in which she co-stars with boyfriend Andrew Garfield, comes out July 3.

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