Clinton tries to woo young voters eyeing third party candidates
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary
Clinton campaigns in Iowa Thursday, on the first day of in-person, early voting
in that state.
Clinton may have won the nomination, but campaigning with Bernie Sanders at the
University of New Hampshire Wednesday, she acknowledged there’s one thing he still has on
“Bernie’s campaign energized so many young people,” she said.
Young voters typically lean Democratic, but only 17 percent of voters under 30
say they’re very enthusiastic about voting this year, reports CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes.
Their ambivalence about Clinton and Trump has led 10 percent of them to say
they’ll vote for the Green Party’s Jill Stein. Twenty-six percent say they’ll
go for Libertarian Gary Johnson, who struggled Wednesday night in a televised town hall to name a foreign leader he admires.
“Who’s your favorite foreign leader?” MSNBC’s Chris Matthews asked him.
“Who is my favorite --”
Johnson said.
“Just name any
continent, any country. Name one foreign leader that you respect or look up to.
Anybody,” Matthews said.
“I guess I’m having an Aleppo moment,” Johnson said.
“Anybody! Pick any leader,” Matthews said.
“I’m having a brain --I’m having a brain freeze,”
Johnson responded.
During the flub, Johnson was referencing a moment from earlier this month:
“What would you do if you
were elected about Aleppo?” MSNBC commentator Mike Barnicle asked Sept. 8.
“About?” Johnson asked.
“About Aleppo?” Barnicle said.
“And what is Aleppo?” Johnson asked.
“You’re kidding,” Barnicle
“No,” Johnson said.
At universities in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, first lady Michelle Obama warned students that a vote for a third party could swing the race Trump’s way.
“The stakes are far too high to take that chance. Too high,” Mrs. Obama said in Pittsburgh.