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Does Donald Trump have a women problem?

Donald Trump had a surprise meeting with leaders of the Republican party Thursday, following backlash from his controversial abortion comments
Donald Trump's complicated relationship with women's issues 02:15

WASHINGTON --With storm clouds gathering around his campaign, Donald Trump dropped everything Thursday andhad an unscheduled meeting with Republican Party leaders.

The GOP front-runner's campaign requested the meeting to discuss delegate allocations, party rules and his less-than concrete pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee if it's not him -- but nothing was resolved.

Trump trails in Wisconsin, and a loss there Tuesday would increase the chances the Republican convention in July would begin without a clear-cut nominee.

Rivals pounce on Donald Trump after abortion comments 04:25

Republican leaders remain anxious about Trump as their standard-bearer after comments Wednesday to MSNBC about what would happen if abortion was outlawed.

"The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment," Trump said.

When asked if he meant punishing women who sought abortions, he said, "Yeah, there has to be some form."

Trump later reversed himself and said punishment would be reserved for doctors.

John Kasich said Thursday he would turn to the women in his family before deciding if he could back Trump as the nominee.

"At this point, because of the nature of this election, it's going to matter what my wife and daughters think," the Ohio governor said.

Trump in the past has said on the campaign trail that he is "phenomenal" on issues important to women.

Trump reverses abortion comment amid uproar 02:47

"I will be great on women's health issues," he claimed.

"I will be so great to women, I cherish women."

"I have great respect for women, and I do cherish women."

But on top of his abortion comments, Trump has disparaged female journalists and candidates, and defended his campaign manager after he was charged with battery for grabbing a female reporter.

In general election match-ups, Trump trails Hillary Clinton by 20 points with women and by 23 points against Bernie Sanders.

Trump is also battling history. No Republican nominee has won a majority of women voters since 1988. In 2012, Mitt Romney lost women by 11 points.

The most recent CBS News poll shows Trump with a 57 percent unfavorability rating -- the highest of any presidential front-runner dating back to 1984.

Sixty-three percent of women view Trump unfavorably, 22 points higher than Romney four years ago.

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