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Carson, Fiorina on RNC suspension of next NBC GOP debate; Rubio on Paul Singer's support

The Republican party will drop its February debate with NBC due to frustration with CNBC's handling of its recent debate in Colorado
GOP chief suspends ties with NBC for Feb. GOP debate 01:46

What the 2016 presidential candidates are saying:


The reaction to RNC's suspension of next NBC GOP debate

Ben Carson:

"[T]he main thing I want is, I want the candidates to have more input into how it's done because the purpose of the debate is to allow the voters to actually see what you think, what actually drives you, and what's behind it. And the system we saw manifested this week does not do that."-- Spoke to reporters in West Memphis, Tennessee, Friday, Oct. 30

Carly Fiorina:

"[C]onsidering this is a Republican primary debate, it would be helpful to have a balanced set of moderators, and it would be helpful as well to have issues of substance, so that the candidates can describe their positions. I also happen to believe that the American voters are not concerned by too many debates, and I also don't think they are concerned about too many candidates." -- to reporters in Orange City, Iowa, Friday, Oct. 30

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio speaks to voters at the Northwest Iowa Republican rally at Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa October 30, 2015. REUTERS/Mark Kauzlarich

Marco Rubio: on securing endorsement of billionaire investor Paul Singer, reported by the New York Times

"He's someone that's successful at raising money. I'm grateful that -- you know, when people donate to us they buy into our agenda, and I'm glad that he has, and it will help us with resources. But -- you know, resources alone are not enough. You have to have the right ideas and the right principles and convince people that you're the right person for the job, but we're grateful to have his help obviously." -- to reporters in Orange City, Iowa, Friday, Oct. 30

CBS News' Erica Brown and Sean Gallitz contributed to this compilation.

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