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Donald Trump boasts about "endorsement" from Bill Clinton

From the 2016 presidential candidates on Oct. 20, 2015:

Donald Trump on his "endorsement" from Bill Clinton:

Bill Clinton wants to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on

Martin O'Malley on Biden, state of the race:

"[Joe Biden would] certainly bring a lot of experience and that perspective, but I think his generation is already overly represented in our party in this field..."

"[H]istory's full of examples of a candidate that most of us has never heard of before, never heard of, who does the work in Iowa, going town to town to town and across New Hampshire. That's what it takes. You have to focus on those early states. And then our race in our party usually narrows between a candidate of the past that all of us have heard of and someone who's speaking to the future that most of us haven't met or focused on." -- interviewed on ABC's "The View"

Former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, Democratic presidential candidate, delivers remarks at a Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute presidential candidates forum in Washington, October 7, 2015. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
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