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Donald Trump dismisses Ben Carson's lead: "I am #1, easily!"

What the 2016 presidential candidates are saying:

Donald Trump on Ben Carson's newly-earned lead in the polls

Trump continues to slam Carson and other candidates who are climbing in the polls. The CBS News/ New York Times poll released late last month showed that 26 percent of Republican primary voters back Carson, giving him a four-point edge over Trump (22 percent).

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. during a campaign event at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) Charles Krupa, AP

Marco Rubio: "I've never come anywhere close to becoming bankrupt"

"I'm proud of my background and where I come from. I'm proud what we can achieve. Today my family and I, we have one debt in the world, which is the mortgage on our home. I grew up having to earn everything. I had student loans because my parent couldn't pay for my school. That's why I'm passionate about these issues. A lot of what Americans are facing on a daily basis I faced 10 or 15 years ago, in some cases five or eight years ago. That's why I'm passionate to fight on behalf of people who are struggling. I grew up paycheck to paycheck." -- on Fox & Friends, in response to scrutiny of his personal financial history

Republican presidential candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich (C) is greeted by supporters Stella Scamman and former U.S. senator John Sununu (R) as Kasich prepares to file his declaration of candidacy to appear on the New Hampshire primary election ballot in Concord, New Hampshire November 6, 2015. REUTERS/Brian Snyder REUTERS
John Kasich responds to charges of sexism

"Well, first of all, I got 60 percent of the women vote in Ohio. Secondly, look, everything is political. The one person the Democrats fear the most is me. We know this because this is what Democratic operatives, this is what their Democratic pollsters say. They worry about me more than anybody else in the race. They're going to do everything they can to pick at me... and figure out if they can throw enough mud at me to stop me. I got news for them, it ain't gonna work." -- to reporters after filing for New Hampshire ballot in Concord, New Hampshire

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaks to students at the The Founders Academy Public Charter School in Manchester, New Hampshire, November 4, 2015. REUTERS
Jeb Bush responds to news, first reported by Politico, that Ben Carson lied about getting a scholarship to West Point.

"If it's between Politico and Ben Carson, I'm in the Ben Carson column" -- interviewed via telephone by Fox Business Network

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