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Egypt protests calmer after big show against Morsi

(CBS News) CAIRO - New protests against Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi Wednesday followed the biggest demonstrations yet. On Tuesday, tens of thousands gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square demanding that Morsi renounce a declaration giving him broad new powers.

Things were much calmer Wednesday, but the scene Tuesday was strikingly reminiscent of the Egyptian revolution two years ago, reports CBS News correspondent Holly Williams. Tahrir Square - the birthplace of the revolution - was once again carpeted by furious protesters.

They even chanted the same slogan: The people want the downfall of the regime.

But this time the target of their anger was Morsi, Egypt's first democratically elected president, who they accuse of behaving like a pharaoh.

One of the protesters was Nayer Nagy, the conductor of Egypt's national opera.

"I want everybody who believes in the freedom of speech and the freedom of ideas and thinking to be out on the street today and never get back home until we reach the Egypt that we know again," he said.

In streets near Tahrir Square, there were violent confrontations between protesters and the police, but it was mostly a peaceful demonstration by people who say they'll keep protesting until Morsi gives up his sweeping new powers.

Mohammed Amer is a retired teacher who said things are now worse under Morsi than they were under the old regime.

"Where is the democracy?" he asked through a translator. "Does democracy mean that the president can become a dictator?"

Morsi is not backing down, but his opponents are also determined. Some of them say they will keep protesting until the president gives up his new powers. That leaves Egypt with a stalemate and some deep divisions in this young democracy.

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