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Early Exits Polls Indicate Economy Key Issue For Democrats

Here are some data from the early CBS News exit polls:

The economy was the top issue for Democratic voters in all four states voting today, and large majorities say the economy is in bad shape.

Ohio Democratic voters hold mostly negative views on U.S. trade with other countries: Eight in ten say trade takes jobs away from their state. In Texas, 58 percent say trade takes jobs away, while a quarter say U.S. trade with other countries creates jobs.

Thirty-two percent of Texas Democratic primary voters are Hispanic, according to the early exit polls -– up from the 24 percent in 2004. Eighteen percent are black, down from 21 percent in 2004.

In Ohio, 20 percent of Democratic primary voters are African American, up from 14 percent in 2004.

Obama is seen by voters in Texas and Ohio as the candidate most likely to beat the Republican nominee in November. A larger percentage of voters in both states say Clinton has attacked Obama unfairly than the other way around.

In both Ohio and Texas, a majority of Democratic voters say superdelegates should cast their vote based on the results of the primaries. A third say the superdelegates should support the candidate who has the best chance of winning in November.

For more exit poll results, see our main election story.

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