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Duggar family to hold memorial for baby Jubilee Shalom

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar speak at the Values Voter Summit on Sept. 17, 2010, in Washington. Getty

(CBS) Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, of TLC's "19 Kids and Counting," plan to hold a memorial service on Wednesday for their 20th child, a daughter they named Jubilee Shalom.

The couple's doctor told them during a routine appointment on Thursday that the baby no longer had a heartbeat. The 45-year-old mom was resting at home while waiting for the miscarriage to occur naturally.

Duggar miscarried the baby on Sunday night and was taken to a hospital as a precaution after she began to feel lightheaded, a family spokesperson told People magazine. She was kept there for observation and is expected to return home Monday.

The memorial service will be for friends and members of the Duggar family, who had a private service at their home on Sunday, People added.

"We would like to thank everyone for their prayers, emails and outpouring of love," Jim Bob wrote in a letter he shared with the magazine. "As our whole family is grieving, we also know that God promises to work all things for good in our lives. Our prayer is that Jubilee's passing will help us all realize that this life is short, and our relationship with Jesus is the most important thing. He gives us a peace in our hearts as He guides us through whatever we might face."

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are parents to Joshua, 23 (who is married with two young children of his own); twins Jana and John-David, 21; Jill, 20; Jessa, 19; Jinger, 17; Joseph, 16; Josiah, 15; Joy-Anna, 14; twins Jedidiah and Jeremiah, 12; Jason, 11; James, 10; Justin, 8; Jackson, 7; Johanna, 6; Jennifer, 4; Jordyn, 3, and Josie, who was born premature at 25 weeks and turned 2 on Saturday.

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