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Duggar family holds memorial for stillborn daughter Jubilee Shalom

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar of "19 Kids and Counting" at the Values Voter Summit on Sept. 17, 2010, in Washington. Getty

(CBS) Friends and family of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar joined the "19 Kids and Counting" clan on Wednesday to pay tribute to the stillborn daughter the family lost in a miscarriage.

Hundreds of mourners reportedly gathered in Springdale, Ark., to pay tribute to the child, posthumously named Jubilee Shalom.

"I feel a great sorrow and grief, and yet at the same time I have a peace in my heart," Michelle Duggar said, according to People magazine. "This is so sad, but I have peace. There are people praying for us and angels surrounding our home, and there was peace in the sorrow and the grief. Those feelings are mingled together."

The couple was told during a routine doctor's appointment on Dec. 8 that the baby, their 20th child, no longer had a heartbeat. Duggar, 45, miscarried the child on Dec. 11.

A letter recorded by Michelle for Jubilee was played at the memorial, People reports. The family also contacted Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, a nonprofit organization that helps families deal with the miscarriage and loss of their babies, to take photos for them to keep and use at the memorial. Some of the images have appeared online, but a family spokesperson told the magazine the pictures were never meant to be released publicly.

"I really believe that God sees the bigger picture," Jim Bob said. "I hope that her short life can encourage other people who have gone through things like this. It was very healing, and we have precious memories."

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