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"Drop Dead Diva" welcomes back cast for season four

"Drop Dead Diva" Bob Mahoney/Lifetime

(CBS News) "Drop Dead Diva" returned Sunday for a fourth season on Lifetime with guest star Kim Kardashian in the first of a three-episode appearance.

Read more: Margaret Cho likes being a "Diva"

The episode, titled "Welcome Back," began with Jane [Brooke Elliot] in a cafe in Italy writing emails to her friends at home. The law firm, meanwhile, is on shaky ground under Kim's [Kate Levering] leadership when she discovers they are in financial trouble. Kim reluctantly asks Teri [Margaret Cho] to bring Jane home to take on a lucrative murder case while Grayson [Jackson Hurst] comes to terms with his new feelings for Jane. Relationships were front and center, too, as Fred [Ben Feldman] moved on with a new girlfriend, and Stacy turned to a famed relationship guru for romance advice.

"I think this season's going to be really great because we're sort of rooted into this story of Jane and her love life and all these people that she works with and knows," Cho told "And she's adjusting to her new life as Jane as opposed to her old life."

Cho, who plays Jane's legal assistant on the series, said "women often have this idea that we can be beautiful or we can be smart."

The actress said she loves the show because it "talks about being all things," adding, "You don't have to choose. You can be everything. You don't have to play a certain role society has set out for you. The show has great roles for women, which is why I think that's why we've been so successful getting so amazing many guest stars."

Some of this year's guest stars include Joan Rivers, Brandy and Patty Duke.

Watch the video below for more on "Drop Dead Diva."

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