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'Dress' Kevin. Please!

Kevin McCormick is a self-confessed geek.

He openly admits he needs help in the fashion department.

Very openly.

In fact, reportsMelinda Murphy, the 22-year-old Hoboken, N.J. IT manager has his own Web site through which Internet users send him suggestions on what to wear each day, suggestions he follows.

On, McCormick posts pictures of his clothes and asks for comments and direction on his outfits. He then posts pictures of himself in the apparel.

McCormick winds up being one sharp dresser, Murphy says, since every button he buttons and zipper he zips has been chosen for him.

"I wore a uniform all throughout high school," he explained to Murphy, "and then I went to a school that was basically all males in college, so I never had to buy anything. I never needed to look good, so I never learned about it."

When it came time to start working, McCormick needed help, and he needed to learn to build a Web site, so was born.

"I figured," he recalls, "why not catalogue everything I have on the Internet, let people go through it and decide for me what they like, what works."

The site has gotten so hot, it now attracts up to 50,000 hits a day, with comments galore, not all of them flattering.

Some responders even help McCormick shop.He showed Murphy an outfit he bought after a visitor to his site sent him pictures of the clothes he thought would make McCormick look good

McCormick says he's learning all sorts of things, such as he reality that a man needs more than one pair of shoes even though, to him, "they're (just) something between the floor and your feet."

Since McCormick works in investment firm Lassus Wherley, he has to look sharp.

His boss, firm co-founder Claire Wherley, laughed when she admitted to Murphy that she pays more attention to what McCormick wears each day, "only because we know he has not dressed himself that he's had had a lot of help!"

What's the worst thing McCormick's had to wear? An outfit, he says, "with a Hawaiian shirt, a headset, argyle socks and golf shoes … with studs on the bottom."

That was meant for a date with a woman McCormick concedes he hasn't spoken to in quite awhile. has caught on so much a company in California wants to send him a wetsuit.

He says he's starting to get other freebies, and even a few advertisers.

The only thing Kevin doesn't accept help with is his underwear though, he says, he gets many people wanting to provide tips in that area. He says he finds that weird.

TV producers have even been calling him about starting a reality show based on his Web site.

And a final footnote provided by Murphy: Visitors to picked out the clothes he wore when she visited!

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