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Don't Get Bit By Y2K Bug

Remember FDR's famous line, from his first inaugural, about having nothing to fear but fear itself? Well, we ought to remember these words, though the circumstances are different, as the New Year, new century, new millennium approaches.

It's true: we can't be sure what all those nines rolling over into zeroes will bring at the moment the ball drops or in the days and weeks after.

We're told Y2K reprogramming efforts are going well here but not so well in many other countries, including Russia and China.

But we can be sure of this: if everyone acts as if the worst is inevitable, the result isn't likely to be good.

It won't take a computer bug to do the damage. If everyone cleans out their bank accounts right before the New Year; if everyone picks up their phone at 12:01 just to see if there's still a dial tone; if all the stock market bulls turn into bears at once; if we don't think before we act; the worst-case scenarios just may start ringing true.

We need to recognize the importance of psychology in all this Y2K stuff.

We are right to take certain precautions, sure, but we should also do our utmost to act responsibly, as individuals and as a society.

Take what measures you feel comfortable with but take them in advance, to avoid runs on banks and supermarkets, to avoid panic, to leave the bugging out to the computers.

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