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Donald Trump: Gingrich scolding over judge comments was "inappropriate"

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Donald Trump found himself at odds with Newt Gingrich Monday, telling Fox News in a phone interview that the former Republican House speaker's chastising comments about his own attacks of a federal judge were "inappropriate."

"As far as Newt is concerned, I saw Newt," Trump told "Fox & Friends" hosts. "I was surprised at Newt. I thought it was inappropriate what he said."

The presumptive Republican nominee was referring to Gingrich's Sunday scolding of Trump on Fox News, where he said the billionaire had been wrong to trash U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel because of his Mexican heritage. Curiel, who was born in Indiana to Mexican parents, is presiding over the Trump University lawsuit. While campaigning in California, where the suit will head to trial in November, Trump has repeatedly called Curiel "unfair" and questioned the judge's ability to remain neutral because he is "very strongly pro-Mexican."

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"This is one of the worst mistakes Trump has made. I think it's inexcusable," Gingrich said Sunday of Trump's attacks on Curiel. "He has every right to criticize a judge. He has every right to say certain decisions aren't right and his attorneys can file to move the venue from the judge. But first of all this judge was born in Indiana. He is an American. Period."

The prominent Republican, who has endorsed Trump, reiterated however that he would continue to "support Trump all year."

On Monday, Gingrich doubled down on his "disagreement" with Trump but assured Fox News once more that he still supported the presidential candidate.

"We have a disagreement on this. I admire him a lot. I think what he's done is historic. I think he has a very real chance of becoming president. This one I happen to disagree with him on," he said. "But I don't think that's a game changer -- in the sense that overall he is so much better than Hillary Clinton. And I think that any conservative and any Republican has to be for Donald Trump because that's straightforward."

"I also think we're big boys and we're not going to agree 100 percent," he added. "And that's fine. That doesn't mean you break up the campaign or that you've failed to be on the same team."

Gingrich further called for Trump to advance his general campaign, urging the presumptive nominee to "in a disciplined way, move to the bigger issues."

"He has a chance here to win by a huge margin if he can elevate the campaign to the big decisions that matter in the lives of the American people," he said.

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