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Do Latest Ads Set The Tone For Tonight's Debate?

As the positioning begins for the second presidential debate tonight, both campaigns are out with new ads accusing one another of false attacks.

John McCain's ad, to be televised nationally, begins with an announcer asking, "who is Barack Obama?" Then the ad features a clip of a Missouri TV anchor reporting: "Obama's presidential campaign is asking Missouri law enforcement to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading television ad." The announcer continues, "How hypocritical. Obama's Social Security attack was called 'a falsehood.' His health care attack, 'misleading.' Obama's stem cell attack – 'not true.' Barack Obama. He promised better. He lied." Watch it:

Barack Obama's ad, also running nationally, accused McCain of desperation in the campaign. An announcer begins, "he's out of ideas, out of touch and running out of time. But with no plan to lift our economy up, John McCain wants to tear Barack Obama down. With smears that have been proven false. Why? McCain's own campaign admits that if the election is about the economy, he's going to lose. But as Americans lose their jobs, homes and savings, it's time for a President who'll change the economy. Not change the subject." Watch it:

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