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Dems Pick Boston For 2004 Convention

Boston will host the 2004 Democratic National Convention, edging out New York and two other cities as Democrats prepare to challenge President Bush's expected re-election bid.
Though there were financial considerations and a strong determination to pick a city with a Democratic mayor, the selection of Boston also carries a political message, reports CBS News Correspondent Bob Fuss.

Picking the home city of Sen. Edward Kennedy will be interpreted by some as a resurgence of liberals in a dejected Democratic Party. A similar symbol will be sent by the expected election of of California Rep. Nancy Pelosi to be House Democratic leader; she's a liberal who voted against authorizing war in Iraq.

The recommendation that Boston be selected was made by the Democratic National Convention's site advisory committee and was unanimous.

Party Chairman Terry McAuliffe said "I am pleased to accept" the committee's recommendation.

Alice Huffman, co-chairman of the site advisory panel, said that all four cities made good presentations, but "there was one shining star."

Cheers were heard at Boston City Hall when McAuliffe called Mayor Thomas Menino with the news on a conference call that included Kennedy and Massachusetts' other Democratic senator, John Kerry, who is expected to run for president in 2004.

"This has been a long journey," Menino said, crediting community and business leaders who helped put together the winning bid.

"Boston is a city that works for all our people, and that's what we want the future of America to be," Menino said.

The party's convention will be held during the week of July 26, 2004, McAuliffe said.

Detroit and Miami also were finalists in the bidding for the convention.

Boston has promised a $49.5 million financial package of support for the convention, including $20 million in cash commitments.

Michael Meehan, senior counselor to McAuliffe, said those letters of credit from Boston businesses marked the first time that cash has been promised before a convention bid has been awarded.

"Cash makes a louder statement than promised in-kind services," he said.

Up until Wednesday, McAuliffe had not ruled out Detroit because of Michigan's importance as a crucial swing state in the presidential elections, Meehan said earlier.

Boston has never hosted a national political convention.

New York had pledged $72 million, and Miami $40 million and Detroit $50 million, respectively.

Meehan had said Tuesday that all four cities were still in the running.

However, Carole Brennan, a spokeswoman for Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, confirmed Tuesday that city attorneys have started discussions with Democratic National Committee attorneys about convention contracts.

New York also is one of three finalists for the Republican National Convention, along with New Orleans and Tampa-St. Petersburg in Florida, where President Bush's brother, Jeb Bush, is the Republican governor.

The GOP's site committee has not yet made a recommendation.

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