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Crocs shoe tracks help link Alaska man to burglaries

FAIRBANKS, Alaska - Crocs foam shoes left distinctive tread marks that helped tie a 22-year-old Fairbanks man to a set of burglaries, authorities said.

The owner of a building where some break-ins occurred provided surveillance footage to police, who posted it on the department's Facebook page. The name Roland Huntington Grace was among several mentioned by tipsters, according to authorities.

The owner of The Crepery reported on April 1 that someone stole about $400 from a cash register after breaking into the restaurant. A minister at the Church of Christ reported April 2 that someone stole about $30 after prying open several locked doors. Another burglary at The Crepery was reported April 3, with $5 in change taken. A worker at the art gallery across the hall told responding police that there was a burglary at that shop as well, and that $1,000 of artists' jewelry was taken.

According to authorities, two necklaces matching the description of jewelry taken from the gallery were recovered from Grace.

Then, according to court documents, Grace wore Crocs during a police interview, and the shoes matched the tread pattern found at the scene.

Foot fault!

Grace faces charges of burglary, theft and criminal mischief in connection with the burglaries reported earlier this month, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner newspaper reported.

Grace was in custody Tuesday at the Fairbanks Correctional Center. Charging documents say Grace admitted to the burglaries.

Sort of caught red-footed.

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