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Creepily cool short film shows a totally empty Paris

"Hypocentre" short film from Claire&Max on Vimeo.

(CBS News) The eerie short film "Hypocentre" shows what the bustling city of Paris would be like if it were completely empty of people. Created by French filmmakers Claire and Maxime, the film is creepy, but definitely in an awesome way, if only to see the beautiful city totally empty. Watch the clip above to see what the City of Lights would look like if it were evacuated.

On their Vimeo page, the filmmakers write: "Imagine an empty worrying Paris. Imagine that human action is more harmful to our fragile planet." To find out how they created the amazing feat of a completely empty Paris, go to their website here, where they explain the process (with an English translator). It's really quite amazing.

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