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Couple Expecting Twin Set Of Twins

Despite being faced with the reality of seven years of unsuccessful pregnancies, Tasha and John Riddle still held out hope that they would have a child of their own. Their perseverance is being rewarded — and then some!

The Riddles are expecting four bouncing babies in June!

This story really started to unfold after Tasha's 11th miscarriage. The Riddles' doctor suggested the couple consider a surrogate mother.

Three years ago, Raquel Mitola, Tasha's best friend since grade school, had offered to be a surrogate for the Riddles. But Tasha hadn't wanted to give up hope she would carry her own child, so using a surrogate was considered a last resort.

Following the 11th miscarriage, and after careful consideration, the Riddles did accept Raquel's generous offer.

"It just seemed like a natural thing to do because Tasha needed help and Raquel enjoyed being pregnant," Jeff Mitola told CBS News The Early Show co-anchor Julie Chen. "Just the thing to do for a friend."

Since in-vitro fertilization had almost worked for Tasha once before, the Riddles' doctor suggested she also try one more time to carry her own baby. Tasha agreed.

Tasha and Raquel, both 35, went through a regime of prescribed nutrition and medication in August 2005 to prepare for the possible pregnancies.

Because of their age, the chances of success were decreased. Two embryos were implanted into Raquel, who had a 50 percent chance of one attaching and developing into a baby. Tasha was implanted with four embryos, in hopes that one might develop. If Raquel didn't get pregnant, it was still possible Tasha might — but both women were warned that the odds were very slim.

Instead, both women lucked out, and both women are now pregnant — with twins!

The two expectant mothers got the good news about their pregnancies two days apart. Raquel took a home pregnancy test and found out first.

"Our ultimate goal was for Raquel to get pregnant, so we were very excited about that," Tasha Riddle said. "I've been through so many disappointments. We were excited that I was pregnant also, but with my history, we were still a little guarded."

But once Tasha made it past the first trimester, the Riddles excitedly prepared for the arrival of four children. They are expecting three girls and a boy — two girls from Tasha and one each from Raquel.

The Riddles began remodeling their three-bedroom home, and the nursery has been painted with pastel shades of blue, green and yellow. The Riddles already have a four-seat baby stroller, too.

Both women are due on June 7. Raquel will give birth in her home town in California, and Tasha will give birth in Oregon.

"That's one thing we can't plan for. It's out of our control," Tasha Riddle said. "So we're hoping that we don't go into labor on the same day and we're able to be at each other's births."

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