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Cops: Marijuana dispensary thief gets stuck in elevator shaft

SAN JOSE, Calif. - Police say a man who tried to rob a a medical marijuana dispensary in San Jose was arrested Tuesday morning, after he hid in an elevator shaft and got stuck.

Pot luck?

CBS San Francisco reported the man broke into the Haze dispensary by getting in through the roof.

The alarm company said the burglar tripped the alarm and that a live audio feed provided information on what was happening inside during the incident.

Apparently, according to CBS San Francisco, the suspect decided to hide in a cramped elevator shaft as literally dozens of police officers descended on the site. A canine unit was brought in and found him.

Police said the unidentified suspect complained of pain after being stuck in the elevator shaft for more than three hours. (Try some marijuana, maybe?)

A few years back, the police department warned the city that legalizing medical marijuana sales would lead to an increased demand for police resources.

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